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Saturday, February 4, 2017

February's Marginalia: Shocking Updates


I'm back. With some SHOCKING updates! On a February even! (why not January? well this post is posted on a February for a good reason heh heh heh, along with the bad ones)
Ehem. I might be overreacting. Sorry. They are not so shocking at all.

Hey, whaddaya know? After not blogging for *gesturing air quotes* a while *ends of air quotes*, POOF! it's already 20-effing-17! And the last time I posted a post was on October 2014. My blog-posting routine is not in abeyance, it is in a state of dereliction! Sad, this is. How time flies. Flew. Had flown. Because of a seriously demented blogger (me).
WARNING: If you are forgetful like me, you'll end up abandoning your blog for years. It needs commitment, this blog-writing practice. If you are EVER going to start blogging, or a budding blogger by now, pleaaaaaaaaaaase *sobbing* make sure you update your blog regularly and pleaaaaaaaase make sure you aren't as demented (or forgetful, in a less severe situation) as I am before you even create a blog. Keep your motivation on a steady ride. Trust me, pity the blog if you don't. It will become an attic in the cyber world.

So here I am trying to update you guys on a few significant events of my life that have seriously left a few colossal milestones in the history of ME.

First, I am a fully fledged English teacher, I think. 2017 is my third year in this profession. I am teaching in SMK Katibas in the Song district. Have you heard of it? It is located near Rarong river, and yes, the only access to school before they constructed the road was the river and a boat. Now we have road access but it's quite bumpy. Not safe for pregnant women I tell ya. However the beautiful things about this school are the  scenic landscapes surrounding the school area, the students plus the authenticity of the Iban culture where majority of my students and the locals are Iban, the warmth of the locals themselves who are welcoming, friendly workplace and staff, and the stress-free environment. Lemme show you a snippet of the things that I'd talked about (most of the photos were taken one or two years ago so they're quite old and I looked quite young and now I am a bit older-looking *sobs pathetically*)

Who would be /feel stressed looking and gazing at the greenery 95% of the time? (the other 5% would be the looking at the insides of a building / quarters and laptop screens). At first, before coming to this school, I admit, I felt a bit insecure, anxious, and unsure but after spending a few good years here, I manage to adapt and become comfortable with my current lifestyle. I really love my students. I have been though various ups and downs, monumental and unthinkable challenges, and of course, I have also experienced amazing time with amazing people whom I have met and come to know along the way. However I do miss my home in Kuching, my family, my dad who stays in Kuching (my mom stays with me by the way), and my husband who is far away from me.

Yaiks, a husband????

Yes, I am married *gleeful laugh* Since December 10, 2016.
Here are the proofs in case you're saying I'm delusional. 

Erkhemm *blushes*

Okay, I will type no more. My conscience has been sending me non-stop warning signals so that I would get back to work, pronto (or was it my tummy? I haven't had my breakfast actually). Well, this has been a splendiferous way to temporarily deviate from my humdrum routine. I should reaaaaaally get back to work (or make breakfast). Will try, to the best of my ability, updating this blog with more beneficial stuff in the future, perhaps things related to my profession. *fingers crossed*


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